15 Feb The concept of Trinity
Christians believe in the concept of Trinity, and this is quite a confusing topic for many people because Christians say that they believe in monotheism but they also say that they believe in Trinity, where there are three distinct persons, the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit . Trinity is het concept waar er drie personen zijn maar ze zijn allemaal één essentie. Nowhere in the Bible is it recorded that trinity is tritheism. Faderen, Son og den Hellige Ånd, er ikke det samme, men de er tre forskjellige ting i en substans kaldet Gud.
One God, Three Persons: Trinity explains how there is only one God and he exists externally as three different persons, ie, the father, son and the Holy Spirit . The Bible speaks about all the three are indicate that all are different persons but of the same substance. In the Bible, we see how the Father sent the Son to the earth and how the Son of God was crucified on the Cross, and now we have the Holy Spirit with us in the world.
When Jesus was on the earth we read in the Bible that he prayed many times to God the Father; Dette betyr ikke at han beder til sig selv som Gud Faderen er en annen person. Soms is de Heilige Geest beschouwd als meer van een kracht dan een persoon, maar de Heilige Geest is niet een “het” maar een persoon.
Én af de vanlige fouten gemaakt door mensen is dat ze denken dat de vader werd de zoon en de zoon werd de Heilige Geest. Men vi trenger å forstå at Gud har alltid vært der og han vil være der evigt. Der var aldrig en tid da en af de tre personer aldrig eksisterte. Alt de tre eksisterte på samme tid, og de vil eksistere som tre personer evig.
Hver av de tre personer er helt god:
Siden det er tre personer i begrepet Trinity, betyr det ikke at hver person er 1 / 3rd of God. Hver og hver person er Gud som en helhet , og Bibelen er meget klart om alle de tre personer som er 100% Gud. In de geschriften lezen we over hoe er slechts één God bestaat, en dit God bestaat in er personen. The Trinity is again not a contradiction as there is only one God and he is one in essence and three in person.
De tre personer eksisterer i en guddommelig væsen og består av samme essens av Gud. The concept of the Trinity is confusing and difficult to understand, but as Christians, it is important for us to learn about this concept and understand the existence of three people but in one essence. Det er også svært viktig at forstå de forskjellige roller Trinity når vi ber så at vi vil ha en bedre forbindelse med Gud og forstå ham bedre.